A Maze Race 2 Hacked


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They are capricious and fickle, attacking without cause or warning. There is no understanding them for there is nothing to understand - - they are a random force in the universe. Their empire was without equal, and they counted themselves masters of the stars. But millennia ago, their overweening pride and their fall into hedonistic practices led to a cataclysm that all but eradicated their kind and led to the birth of the Chaos God. Slaanesh. Despite their boundless power, the heart of their civilisation was torn out by this catastrophe of their own making, forcing the surviving Eldar to flee upon gigantic, continent- size starships called Craftworlds. Now they cling to survival by a thread, fighting the horrors of the galaxy with ritualised discipline and consummate skill.

The original Eldar homeworld was destroyed during the catastrophic collapse of the Eldar civilisation known as the Fall of the Eldar. The remnants of Eldar culture that survived the cataclysm preserved much of their species' history in the form of traditional stories, songs and dance.

Written records, monuments and visual records were almost completely destroyed except for a few instances where they were taken aboard voidcraft fleeing from the doomed worlds. They possess longer and cleaner limbs, and fine ascetic features with penetrating and slightly slanted, almond- shaped eyes. Their ears are also slightly pointed, but otherwise they could pass as human at first glance. The most obvious difference between humans and Eldar can only be seen when they move, for the movements of an Eldar radiate a subtle grace which is impossible for a human to emulate. This can be seen in even their slightest gestures or the dexterity with which they manipulate small objects. Because of this, Eldar are more intelligent but also far more intense than humans. Although an Eldar and a human can both feel grief or joy, the Eldar's experience is likely to be far more extreme.

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On the positive side, it gives them an unparalleled appreciation of life and an unrivalled ability to express themselves through music and other creative endeavours. A melody or gesture made with grace and skill can elicit an intensity of pleasure which is unimaginable to a human.

But this potential for joy is paralleled by an equal capacity to feel despair, ambition and even hatred. Confronted by grief or other personal setbacks, an Eldar suffers mental torments which far exceed the boundaries of human anguish. The extreme nature of their temperament makes it very important that the Eldar maintain a measure of self- control at all times, for it is dangerously easy for them to become entranced by and ultimately dependent upon the experiences that their culture offers them.

They must learn to control the darker side of their natures, which is no less an essential portion of the Eldar psyche - - and the source of the catastrophe that nearly caused their extinction. The Eldar can use these innate abilities to shape matter, which lies at the foundation of their extraordinary command of technology. The birth of their nemesis, the Dark God Slaanesh, shattered that cycle forever.

Now these once- great starfarers cower in the shadows, too afraid of their own lusts to embrace the full spectrum of sensation. It is a fate they justly deserve. In truth, there can be no escape from the doom they have brought upon themselves – not this side of the grave. Fate is a cruel mistress, and not to be courted lightly.

Yet, for all their splendour and might, the Eldar brought a terrible curse upon themselves that sundered their empire forever, leaving the ravaged fragments of their race teetering on the brink of annihilation. All of the Eldar alive today are essentially a refugee population, the scattered remains of a formerly vast interstellar empire.

Even in such straits, however, they are still a deadly and influential force in the galaxy. Once, over ten thousand years past, the Eldar were perhaps the most powerful race in existence, dominating a significant portion of the galaxy and secure in their prosperity. Although there were other intelligent races who possessed advanced technology and potent military power in the galaxy, none were in a position to seriously threaten the state of the Eldar empire. When it came, the disaster for the Eldar people was self- inflicted. Descargar Partituras Para Piano Gratis Pdf Converter. Distant from the warmth of sun or planet, their domes gaze into the darkness of empty space.

Inner lights glisten like phosphorus through semi- transparent surfaces. Within them live the survivors of a civilisation abandoned aeons ago amidst terrifying destruction. These are the Eldar, a race that is all but extinct, the last remnants of a people whose mere dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns. The starfaring history of the Eldar is long indeed, and encompasses glories and sorrows alike. When their empire was at its height, their homeworlds were paradises, their powers godlike and their armies unsurpassed.

As the centuries slid past, their status as lords of the galaxy bred an arrogance that led to a cataclysmic end. A proportion of their race survived that dark time by fleeing from disaster upon the great vessels known as craftworlds. Others settled verdant planets far from the heart of their empire, and still more hid in private realms of their own making. Yet there was no real escape from what was to come.

Such a position was their right, they thought, and their preeminence was beyond doubt. In many ways, the Eldar had good reason for such hubris, for no other race had posed a serious threat to their wealth and stability for time immemorial. They were convinced that they no longer had anything to fear from the galaxy at large, and they may have been right, but the real danger came from within. The doom of the Eldar, when it came, took a form far more subtle and dangerous than that of alien invasion.

At that point in Eldar history, nothing was beyond their reach and nothing was forbidden. The ancient race continued their glorious existence unaware or unwilling to acknowledge the dark fate that awaited them. They plied the stars at will, experiencing the wonders of the galaxy and immersing themselves completely in the endless sensations that it offered them. Such was the technological mastery of the Eldar that worlds were created specifically for their pleasure, and stars lived or died at their whim. They mastered the Labyrinth Dimension of the Webway, expanded their realms into the furthest corners of reality and learned much about the universe that has since been forgotten. When their spirits eventually left their mortal bodies they dissolved peacefully back into the aether to be reborn again, for the Warp did not thirst for Eldar souls then as it does today.

There were, of course, many wars. Even when the galaxy was young there were upstart races seeking to gouge out petty empires of their own, and the Eldar waged wars against the sprawling Necron dynasties that ravaged dozens of star systems and cost trillions of lives.

Most of these conflicts, though, were so short- lived that the ease of their victory left the Eldar ever more sure of their ascendancy. Even the greatest of all their wars, known in the mythic cycles of the Craftworlds as the War in Heaven, did not humble them. In their hearts the Eldar reigned supreme, and no other power could end their dominance. The Eldar had long outgrown the need for labour or manual agriculture. Society provided all that was required without individual effort, leaving long Terran centuries for the Eldar to spend sating their every desire. Fuelled by an inexhaustible curiosity, many gave way to their most hedonistic impulses. Disable Services Windows 7 Improve Performance Windows. Exotic cults sprang up across the Eldar domains that eclipsed the noble pursuits of old, each dedicated to esoteric knowledge or sensual excess.

The core of the Eldar race began to look inwards, inexorably seeking new ways to explore the full range of emotion and sensation.