Hardware And Software Requirements For Installing Mysql On Centos


Hardware And Software Requirements For Installing Mysql On Centos Average ratng: 8,5/10 5897votes

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Installing and Configuring Oracle 1. RHEL/Cent. OS/Oracle Linux 6.

In our previous article, we’ve shown you how to setup prerequisites for Oracle 1. Boot Screen And Logo Manager on this page. In this article we will cover installation and configuration of Oracle 1. RHEL/Cent. OS/Oracle Linux 6.

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Hardware And Software Requirements For Installing Mysql On Centos

Oracle post installation instructions. Oracle 1. 2c Installation.

Requirements. Installing Prerequisites for Oracle 1. RHEL/Cent. OS/Oracle Linux 6. Part IInstalling Oracle 1. Database in Cent. OS 6. 5. 1. After extracting, we will get database directory which has 2. GB in size. So, next we can go- head and install the oracle. Let us start the installation by running run.

Installer. Navigate the installer Directory and run the Installer.# cd database/. Installer. Our Installer has been launched here. For every steps we need to move forward by Clicking Next or OK. Oracle 1. 2c Installer.

Configure Security Updates. I’m going to skip this step as I don’t want security updates. Un- check the check box and mark the checkbox that says “Wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support“.

Security Updates. Click on Next, you will get a error saying that you’ve not provided and email address click Yes to continue. Enter Email Address. Software Updates.

While we skiped the email step by default it will choose skip software updates Click next to continue. Skip Software Updates. Here I have resolved every dependencies but still it says that I have not reached the minimum requirements. Don’t worry, you can move forward to choose Yes to continue. Oracle Requirement Check. Installation Option. Next, choose the type of installation, I’m choosing the first option to Create and configure a database.

Oracle Installer type. System Class. 5. I’m going to choose Server Class here. If we need to install in any Desktop machines we can choose the above Option as Desktop Class. System Class Installation. Grid Installation Options. We are going to setup only single instance database installation here.

So, select the first option. Single Instance Database. Install Type. 7. Choose the Advance install option to get more option while going through Installation steps. Select Advance Install.

Product Languages. By Default Language will be chooses as English.

If you need to change according to your language, choose from the below list. Select Language Type. Database Edition. Time to choose which edition of database installation we looking for. For large scale Productions we can use Enterprise or if we need standard edition or we can choose the options as mentioned there. We need more than 6. GB space for Enterprise installation because database Population will grow soon/increase.

Select Database Edition. Installation Location. Enter the Oracle base installation location, here all installed configurations files will be stored. Here you need to define the location of oracle installation path, as we created the location in step #1.

Select Oracle Installation Location. Creating Inventory.

For the first time installation, every Inventory files will be created under . We have created the group oracle for installation. So now the oracle group has permission to access Inventory Directory. Let us choose the Oracle as the Group for Operating system group. Create Inventory.

Configuration Type. Select the type of database, you want to create. Since, we are using for General purpose, so choosing general from the below options and click Next. Configuration Type.

Database identifiers. Specify the Global Database name for uniquely identified and un- check the Create as Container database, as here we are not going to create multiple databases. Database Identifiers. Configuration Options. In my installation, I have assigned 4. GB of Memory to my virtual machine, but this is not enough for Oracle.

Here we need to Enable allocate memory automatically for the use of system global Area. Check the box that says Enable Automatic Memory Management and keep the default allocate memory. If we need some sample schema’s we can check and continue for installation. Configuration Options.

Database Storage. We need to choose the location to store the database storage. Here I’m going to assign . I don’t have a Cloud control manager credentials from oracle, so I have to skip this step. Management Options. Recovery Options. If we have to Enable recovery options, then we have to check the Enable Recovery.

In real environment these options are Compulsory to setup. Here to enable this option we need to add separate group and we need to define one of the file system location rather than default location where our database save. Recovery Options.

Schema Passwords. We need to define the password for starter database which is all pre- loaded while the installations.

Password must contain alphanumeric, upper. For example, my password is Redhat.

This password we will use in web interface login too. Set Password. Operating system Groups. We need to provide system privileges to create database for that we need to choose the oracle group.

Choose oracle for every options. Select Oracle Group. Summary. 20. At last we can review every settings before database population.

If we need any changes we can edit the settings. Review Summary. Install Product. Installation started to Preparation and copying files. This will take long time to complete according to our Hardware Resource. Oracle Installation Process. During setup process, it will ask to run two scripts as a root user as shown in the below picture.

Run Configuration Scripts. Login into your Oracle Server as root user and switch to . After successfully execution of above two scripts, we need to move forward by clicking on OK. Copying Database Files. After finishing all the above tasks successfully, we will receive the Database Configuration Assistant window with the all the details and it will show you the EM Database Express URL. Click OK to move forward.

Database Configuration Assistant. If you wish to change the database accounts password, you can use the password management. Password Management. That’s it! We’ve successfully completed Database Configuration, now click Next to continue installation process. Database Configuration Completed. Finally Oracle Database installation was successfully completed. Click on Close to quit the Oracle Installer.

Oracle Installation Completed. After completing the Database installation, now move ahead to do some Post installation configuration.

After restarting machine, verify that the listener is up and running using . Next login into Oracle database as a Operating system user using sysdba and start- up the database.# sqlplus / as sysdba. Connect Oracle Database. Now it’s time to access Oracle Web interface at the following addresses. When EM Express prompts you for your username and password, Use to log in as a user with DBA privilege such as SYS or SYSTEM and use the password which we used for Schema password. Login User = SYSTEM.

Password = Redhat. Login Oracle Web. After login into the Oracle panel, you can see the main interface as Database Home and few screen shot as shown below. Oracle Database Home.

Oracle Memory Management. Tablespaces. Performance Hub. Step: Troubleshooting Oracle. If listener does not start, you need to replace the domain name with local IP address 1. Finally we’ve successfully completed Oracle 1.

Cent. OS 6. 5. If in- case any errors you get while setting up Oracle database 1.