Left 4 Dead 2 Final With The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia


Left 4 Dead 2 Final With The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia Average ratng: 6,8/10 5782votes

HSC Ancient History Part 2: Ancient Societies - Greece - Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 3. BC1. The geographical setting.

The geographical setting, natural features and resources of ancient Sparta. Geographical Area: Greece. Peloponnese – Region. Lakonia – State. Sparta – City.

Only Greek city with Greek slaves. Gythium –> perioikoi community / import and export port. Murex Shellfish –> cloaks. Climate: Cold in winter/hot in summer. Mountain ranges remained snow- capped all year and lower wooded slopes provided excellent hunting grounds and valuable timber. Mountains also formed a natural barrier/fortress for Sparta.

Left 4 Dead 2 Final With The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia

Resources: Iron and lead could be mined. Barley. Olives. Orchards.

Vineyards. Sheep. Lakonian Plain. Significant sites: Sparta. Social structure and political organisation. The issue of Lycurgus (the Great Rhetra)Between 9. BC –> Sparta gradually gained control of the area of Lakonia.

Greek world at the time was a period of expansion and colonisaion –> Spartawas not a coloniser. Instead, Sparta attacked neighbouring Messenia and engaged in a series of wars, reducing the population to serfdom. It was not until 3. BC, after Sparta’s defeat at Leuctra, that the Messenians revolted successfully against the Spartans. At some point after the Messenian wars, the Spartans undertook a drastic and revolutionary reorganisation of social and political systems. The whole state became geared to a militaristic way of life; a new system of law and order, or eunomia, was established. Plurtarch writes that the new state that emerged at this point was due to the lawgiver Lycurgus, who had sought the help of the Delphic Oracle.

Left 4 Dead 2 Final With The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia Tiepolo

He was instructed to establish a sanctuary to Zeus and Athena; divide the people into tribes and obai; appoint the two kings (unusual because most of Greece was a Democracy) and a Gerousia of thirty men, which according to Plutarch: “allays and qualifies the fiery genius of the royal office”Contribution: Lycurguswas the legendary lawgiver of Sparta, who established the military- oriented reformation of Spartan society in accordance with the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi. All his reforms were directed towards the three Spartan virtues: equality (among citizens), military fitness, and austerity. The Issue of Lycurgus “a man of distinction among the Spartans” (Herodotus)Plutarch, writing in 2nd Century AD, bemoans the lack of precisive evidence of Lycurgus. Conflicting accounts had been given of most aspects of the life of Lycurgus, particularly those relating to his initiatives as lawmaker. The controversy still rages today. Ancient authors, such as Herodotus and Aristotle, wrote of Lycurgus as a historical figure who handed down the laws of Sparta after consulting the will of Gods.

Dates of Lycurgus’ life vary from 9th Century to 7th Century BC. Modern scholars tend to reject the idea of a reform by a single lawgiver. Some historians believe that the Lycurgan initiative represents a series of revolutionary changes to the Spartan way of life that occurred over a period of time. Lycurgus “changed all the laws and made sure these changes should not be transgressed”  when he died they dedicated a temple to him and “revere him greatly” (Herodotus)The changes or reforms supposedly introduced by Lycurgus were in the form of a Great Rhetra and probably date from the 7th century BC. NB: a Rhetra is a pronouncement reflecting the oral traditions of the Spartans and their laws, often based on oracles, it is similar to an oral contract.

This page explains the meaning of burnt offerings and animal sacrifice in Hellenismos, the ancient Greek religion. Warlord Of Mars 01 02 2011 Hyundai. There is also discussion of blood sacrifice and why.

We know of the Great Rhetra from the writings of Plutarch. It is widely held that Plutarch used Aristotle’s lost Constitution of the Spartans when writing about the Great Rhetra. Plutarch believed the Great Rhetra was an utterance from the Delphic Oracle brought back by the lawgiver, Lycurgus, and presented to the Spartans. A number of problems arise concerning the Great Rhetra: If Lycurgus presented it, then it means that it had to be preserved orally for a number of centuries because writing was not widely practiced.

The other problem that arises is the issue of the Delphic Oracle: when did it become so influential that its utterances became law? Tyrtaeus, the 7th Century Spartan poet, however, mentions that two kings consulted the Delphic Oracle and brought back the Great Rhetra. Scholars believe that this could refer to the early kings Polydorus and Theopomus. The Great Rhetra is significant because it was the foundation document of the Spartan constitution.

The Unfaithful (1947) Class of Nuke Em High (1986) Dr Orloffs Invisible Monster (1970) Rage and Honor II (1993). The word Erinyes is of uncertain etymology; connections with the verb

It appears to limit the power of the two kings and it was particularly concerned with the establishment of the Gerousia. Changes and Reforms: Plutarch, using Plato and Aristotle as his sources, considered that the most important change instituted by Lycurgus was the Council of Elders (Gerousia).

Also important, according to Plutarch, was Lycurgus’ redistribution of the Land. The reforms attributed to Lycurgus encompassed all aspects of Spartan life: economic, political and social. The ideal underpinning all of these reforms was the Greek concept of eunomia, meaning good order and good government – emphasised by duty and obedience to laws. It was this . Xenophon. They’re very sidelined – only 2 votes out of 3. Most impressive role: military. Ephorate. Section: ephorate.

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Individual: ephors. Establishment attributed to Lycurgus. Needed in balance of powers. Elected annually from Spartiates. Only ruled for one year, cannot be re- elected.

The Cycle of Revenge trope as used in popular culture. This trope, which happens a lot in the less idealistic revenge stories (insofar as revenge stories can. Chiron tutoring Achilles, Greco-Roman fresco fresco from Herculaneum C1st A.D., Naples National Archaeological Museum. KHEIRON (Chiron) was eldest and wisest of the. One final category seems to apply to immortals only. Both the Sirens and the Sphinx leap to their deaths after Odysseus and Oedipus render their power benign.

Powers and control. Chief administrators and executives of the state. Advised the kings and kept a check on royal powers. Decided which units would be mobilised in times of war.

Called meetings of Gerousia and Ekklesia. Received foreign ambassadors.

Had charge of agoge. Controlled other Spartan magistrates. Were responsible for most civil and criminal cases. Could arrest and imprison the King. Two ephors attended the King in battle. Their function: advise the king and keep in check is power.

Each month the kings and ephors exchanged oaths. Ephors swore to maintain the kingship and the kings swore to rule according to the Law.“there is a monthy exchange of aths, ephors acting for the city, a king on his own behalf” Xenophon. Aristotle: highly critical of Spartans“has supreme authority”The danger that the Ephorate is just the people, they ephors are only Spartiates and are thus “open to bribery” because of their lack of wealth.“equal to that of a tyrant”“aristocracy has turned into a democracy”Plutarch“even though it appeared to be to the peoples advantage, in fact it strengthened the aristocracy”.

Gerousia. Council of Elders. Once elected they were there for life, Aristotle says this is to their detriment as “the mind, like the body, is subject to old age”Any Spartan male should be chosen in theory, but in reality, they come from a circle of wealthy aristocratic families or ex ephors.

Powers and responsibilities: The Gerousia could ignore the vote of the Ekklesia if it was not to their liking. Prepared the business and agenda for the assembly. Had numerous judicial functions – i.

Sthenelaidas singling out those against through the wording of the question. Spartans hate to stand out – .

Nevertheless, it was on the road to democracy. Social structure. Spartiates. Homoioi: equals, peers. Criteria to belong to Spartiates. Ownership of a plot of public land (kleros)Birth- a full Spartan peer with all the rights of citizenship had to be able to prove he was descended from the earliest sons of Herakles or the conquerors. Membership in a military mess and the sharing of common means – syssitia.

Successful competition of education and military training requirements (agoge)Top of social hierarchy, male warrior citizens. Held all political power and access to this group was jealously guarded (perhaps a reason they declined in numbers up until the battle of Leuctra)Spartiates and Property: The Kleros. Owned most of the land in the Eurotas valley and Messenia.

All land was divided into allotments. Each spartiate had a portion of the land (kleros) and each had an equal vote in the assembly.