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Let’s say you need to send a private message to a group of people, but you’re afraid one of them will leak the message elsewhere, and you won’t know who.

How to Be a Polite Pot Tourist. Last weekend I purchased some marijuana. Not from some friend of a friend of a friend, but from an actual dispensary in Boulder, Colorado.

Boulder, like the rest of Colorado, has recreational marijuana dispensaries where you can purchase weed legally. It was cool. But while my partner had purchased legal marijuana in the past, I didn’t know the first thing about the standard operating procedure of bud buying. If you’re not a native, or are visiting a state just to get some cannabis while you vacation, you might want to adhere to a few easy to follow guidelines to make yourself a model dispensary customer. The dispensary, as well as the locals, will appreciate it. Keep Your ID Handy. Visiting a dispensary involves proving you’re 2. ID. You’ll have to show it twice: first when you walk in the door, and again when you’re finally purchasing your recreational cannabis.

Dispensaries are rigorous in their ID checks, with some scanning the IDs to ensure they’re legitimate. When you picture someone smoking weed, a person cranking out reps in the gym is probably the last. You’ll need cash in most situations. Some dispensaries have ATMs inside for your convenience, but you should call ahead to double check. Plan Ahead. You should be prepared before you walk in the door and familiar with what you might be interested in purchasing. That means doing a little research beforehand, checking out the dispensary’s site and inventory, and asking friends more familiar with marijuana than you about the best way to get started if it’s your first time.

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No Moon No Water Bamboo Download Wacom

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Be sure to check their hours as well; some dispensaries are open late, some open early, and some are closed on certain days of the week. Cameras and Phones are a No- No. You should shy away from last- minute lookups and sharing with the world your current weed- friendly situation until you’re home. I was nearly ejected from the first dispensary I visited simply because my DSLR was hanging off my wrist, despite it having a lens cap. Ddr Digital Picture Recovery Crack Serial Codes there. Dispensaries have a pretty strict “no photos” policy that you should adhere to unless you want to get kicked out of the store.

No Moon No Water Bamboo Download Wacom Driver

Be Nice to Your Bud Tender. Your bud tender is your marijuana middleman, the person behind the counter that helps you pick the right product. That means you should treat them with the same respect you’d show your friendly neighborhood mixologist, and not like some stoner who just loves weed. They’re happy to help as long as you’re polite. It helps to think about your questions beforehand, so you’re not staring dumbfounded while your bud tender waits for your brain to catch up to your mouth. Automapa 5 0 5 Cracker.

Marijuana has a healthier image than many other drugs (or, depending on who you ask, alcohol), and. Some states, like Washington, allow tipping as long as it isn’t linked to product pricing or used to avoid paying certain taxes.

That means you can’t smoke it outside the dispensary you just walked out of. Some states, like Maine and Massachusetts, will fine offenders up to $1.

Geologists Have Encouraging News For Folks Hoping to Mine the Moon. Most people (wrongly) assume the moon is barren and boring. Sure, our satellite might be a little clingy, but it also has moonquakes, orange soil, and could be hiding abundant water resources.

New research from satellite data offers more evidence that the Moon does indeed have water trapped in its mantle, which could be huge for companies looking to mine the Moon for resources. Still no word about where the cheese is, though. In a study published today in Nature Geoscience, researchers posit they’ve detected water within volcanic deposits spread across the lunar surface.

The team used measurements of lunar samples from Apollo missions, in addition to orbital spectrometer aboard India’s lost (and found) Chandrayaan- 1 lunar orbiter, to investigate any signatures of water. Orbital spectrometers can measure how much light is reflected off an object’s surface and help inform scientists about its composition. The researchers detected evidence of water across many volcanic deposits, including the sites near Apollo 1. In 2. 00. 8, scientists detected trace amounts of water in glass beads brought back from these two Apollo sites—but this new research suggests water could be more abundant than previously imagined, and not just a thing of the past. The volcanic deposits are quite large, hinting that the Moon’s interior could hold a significant amount of water. Which begs the question of how it all got there in the first place.“The Moon is generally believed to have formed by a giant impact with Earth, but this is a high energy and high temperature process in which water should not have survived,” lead author Ralph E. Milliken, an associate professor in the department of earth, environmental and planetary sciences at Brown University, told Gizmodo.

In that case of the latter, the water could have been delivered by water- rich asteroids and comets, and this could also have implications for how water was delivered to Earth.”Private companies like Moon Express have long indicated their intent to mine the Moon for iron ore, precious metals, and water. Turning Moon water into rocket fuel could become an extremely lucrative industry—if there’s water to extract, of course.“The amount of water in a given glass bead is not very much, but the size of some of the pyroclastic deposits is huge, so you have a lot of material to work with and process,” Milliken said.

The water that is trapped in the glass wouldn’t be a renewable resource, but again, you have a lot of this material to work with.”Milliken said that he and the paper’s co- author, University of Hawaii researcher Shuai Li, will be conducting more studies to understand where water could be hiding under the Moon’s surface. It may not be cheese, but it’s a start.