Stephen King The Stand Movie Remake


Stephen King The Stand Movie Remake Average ratng: 9,5/10 6158votes

Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things in the Stephen King IT remake as character Richie Tozier. IT Remake Movie . Stand By Me has one of the best movie soundtracks of all time. It is definitely in my Top 10. We had the cassette tape of it in the nineties and listened to it all.

The Mist - Wikipedia. The Mist is a horrornovella by the American author Stephen King, in which the small town of Bridgton, Maine is suddenly enveloped in an unnatural mist that conceals otherworldly monsters. A slightly edited version was included in King's collection Skeleton Crew (1.

Pennywise is back and more terrifying than ever: First trailer for Stephen King's It remake left the 'audience screaming' at film festival. A 90-second trailer was.

The story is the longest entry in Skeleton Crew and occupies the first 1. To coincide with the theatrical release of the film based on the novella, The Mist was republished as a stand- alone paperback book by Signet on October 2, 2.

Amongst others trapped in the market are a young woman named Amanda Dumfries and two soldiers from a nearby military installation, home to what is referred to as . When a young bag boy named Norm steps outside to fix the problem, he is pulled into the mist by a swarm of tentacles. David and Ollie Weeks, the store's assistant manager, witness Norm's death and try to convince the remaining survivors of the danger lurking outside. Norton and a small group of others refuse to believe, accusing David of lying. They venture out into the mist to seek help, where they are killed by a huge, unseen creature. This, along with a deadly incursion into the store by a pterosaur- like creature and a disastrous expedition to the pharmacy next door, lead to paranoia and panic consuming the remaining survivors. This spiraling breakdown leads to the rise to power of a religious zealot named Mrs.

Stephen King The Stand Movie Remake

Carmody, who convinces most of the remaining survivors that these events fulfill the biblical prophecy of the end time, and that a human sacrifice must be made to save them from God's wrath. David and Ollie attempt to lead their remaining allies in a covert exit from the market, but are stopped by Mrs. Carmody, who orders her followers to kill her chosen victims: Billy and Amanda. However, Ollie, using a revolver found in Amanda's purse, kills Mrs. Carmody, causing her congregation to break up.

En route to David's car, Ollie is bisected by the claw of a very large creature similar to a giant lobster or crab. David, Billy, Amanda, and elderly, yet tough, school teacher Hilda Reppler reach the car and leave Bridgton, driving south for hours through a mist- shrouded, monster- filled New England. After finding refuge for the night, David listens to a radio and, through the overwhelming static, possibly hears a single word broadcast: . The day after the storm, he went to a local supermarket with his son. While looking for hot dog buns, King imagined a . By the time the two were in line to pay for their purchases, King had the basis for his story: survivors trapped in a supermarket surrounded by unknown creatures. While experiencing the unusual spring weather which precedes the storm, some characters make reference to the real- life Great Blizzard of 1.

Before it hits a movie theater near you, Stephen King

United States. Influence in other media. This adaptation changes the ending: the survivors agree to commit suicide after seeing the seemingly overrun New England, and David Drayton kills the others, including his son. He is unable to kill himself, however, as he is out of bullets. As he steps out of the car to await his fate, the mist begins to disperse to reveal a heavily armed US Army convoy approaching, destroying the remaining creatures and assisting survivors. David falls to his knees, realizing that they were only moments from rescue and starts screaming. In 1. 98. 5, Mindscape released an interactive fiction computer game based on the novella.

It included the flying Pterodactyl as an in- game enemy. In The Secret World, the fictional New England town of Kingsmouth is enveloped in a mysterious mist which conceals sea monsters, zombies and cultists, while a writer clearly based on King hides in a lighthouse, writing about it. This is in keeping with the game area's references to modern horror stories such as the Cthulhu Mythos and The Shining. The 2. 00. 9 online flash game Vorago, developed by Godlimation, is heavily inspired by the book.

The game takes place in a small town off the interstate. After the recent loss of their daughter, Ira and Jonathan find themselves in a car accident with no direction. When the couple reach the nearest town, a loud warning siren sounds off as a mysterious fog covers the atmosphere. The couple find shelter in a nearby petrol station with the owner, a religious sheriff and a child who has lost her parents. The game has several monster designs and locations based on those in the book and the film. There is even a section later in the game where the player visits a pharmacy to find medical supplies and finds the interior covered in large eggs, a possible reference to the film adaptation.

The fact that there is the presence of the Followers of Atom, a zealous religious- like cult (present since the first games), adds a similarity with the novel's theme (as we see it with Mrs. Carmody). Television adaptation. A moderately successful commercial artist, David is the narrator of the story and one of the few survivors as the story ends. Billy Drayton Billy is David's five- year- old son. He is cared for by his loving father, David, during their ordeal in the supermarket. Billy is traumatized by the experience, although David is fairly successful at shielding his son from any direct violence.

Amanda Dumfries A young woman trapped in the supermarket. Hack This Site Level 2 Basic more. She is married, but her husband is away and is encouraged to carry a pistol while he was away. Ollie Weeks uses the pistol to kill Mrs. Amanda also has a sexual encounter with David and is one of the survivors at the end of the story. Stephanie Drayton Stephanie is David's wife. David and Billy leave her at home when they go to the supermarket. Since she was working outside and one of their home's windows was broken during the storm, she had little chance of surviving the monsters but her fate is left unknown.

Brent Norton David Drayton's neighbor, Brent refuses to believe what is happening. Prior to the story, he had lost a property dispute with Drayton, creating a bitter relationship between the two.

His wife died a few months prior to the events of the story. He eventually leads a small group of non- believers into the mist. He and his group are heard screaming after disappearing into the mist and are most likely killed by the monsters. Ollie Weeks The assistant manager of the supermarket. Ollie remains among the most sane of the survivors, accepting the truth about the mist and trying to keep the survivors calm. He is part of the pharmacy expedition and survives it. He kills Mrs. Carmody in order to prevent Billy and Amanda's sacrifice, but is killed minutes later during the climactic escape attempt by an arachnilobster which tears him in half with one of its claws.

Mrs. Carmody An elderly townswoman with a borderline reputation as a witch and an extreme belief in a bloodthirsty God. She actively thrives in the situation, starting the story as a near- pariah, and eventually convincing a large fraction of the survivors that a human sacrifice must be made to clear away the mist. She is killed when Ollie shoots her in the abdomen after attempting to have Billy and Amanda killed.

Bud Brown The manager of the store, he maintains a relative degree of sanity by, as Drayton puts it, assuming the role of . He is killed by the web of a gray widower during the expedition to the pharmacy, which cuts through his throat.

Sally A clerk at the supermarket who works for Bud Brown. She is only mentioned a couple of times.

Dan Miller An . He is killed by a gray widower in the mist during the expedition to the pharmacy, which completely encases him in its acidic web. Hattie Turman A middle- aged woman, she looks after Billy during the times that David is otherwise occupied. She is killed by a gray widower in the mist during the final escape. Hilda Reppler An elderly, but tough and competent school teacher. Reppler proves to be one of the most capable of those trapped in the market, using cans of Raid as weapons against the Mist creatures. She hated Mrs. Carmody and refused to join her group. After everything that had happened, Mrs.

The Stand Movie Trailer (1. I discovered this Stephen King movie trailer on videodetective. I am only posting this because i could not find the original movie trailer of this awesome movie on You. Tube. This epic 4 part, 6 hour, Republic Pictures movie was available at one time on one single DVD through Artisan Entertainment. Artisan eventually got bought out by Lions Gate Entertainment. You can still find the two disc DVD at such places like Amazon, etc. While I'm not a big Stephen King fan, I believe this movie is his best work of all time.

I turned the comments off because this is not my work. It is only for reference and archive purposes.