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Lebanon facts, information, pictures . Christian religious holidays include Feast of St. Maron, 9 February; Good Friday; Easter Monday; Ascension; Assumption, 1. August; All Saints' Day, 1 November; and Christmas, 2. December. Muslim religious holidays include 'Id al- Fitr, 'Id al- 'Adha', and Milad an- Nabi.

TIME: 2 pm = noon GMT. Situated on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon has an area of 1.

It is bordered on the n and e by Syria, on the s by Israel, and on the w by the Mediterranean Sea, with a total boundary length of 6. Comparatively, the area occupied by Lebanon is about three- fourths the size of the state of Connecticut. The Lebanon of today is the Greater Lebanon (Grand Liban) created by France in September 1.

Mount Lebanon—the hinterland of the coastal strip from . Since January 1. 98. In May 2. 00. 0, Israeli troops withdrew from a 1,0. Israeli border. Syrian forces, which had held northern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley since 1. West Beirut and the Beirut- . This area is rugged; there is a rise from sea level to a parallel mountain range of about 2,0.

At the eastern flank of the Bekaa rise the Anti- Lebanon Range and the Hermon extension, in which stands Mount Hermon straddling the border with Syria. Lebanon contains few rivers, and its harbors are mostly shallow and small. Abundant springs, found to a height of 1,5. Lebanon Mountains, provide water for cultivation up to this height.

Lebanon's extraordinarily varied climate is due mainly to the wide range of elevation and the westerly winds that make the Mediterranean coast much wetter than the eastern hills, mountainsides, and valleys. Within a 1. 6- km (1. Rainfall is abundant by Middle Eastern standards, with about 8. Bekaa. About 8. 0% of the rain falls from November to March, mostly in December, January, and February. Summer is a dry season, but it is humid along the coast.

The average annual temperature in Beirut is 2. Olive and fig trees and grapevines are abundant on lower ground, while cedar, maple. Aleppo pine trees occupy higher altitudes. Vegetation types range from subtropical and desert to alpine. Although hunting has killed off most wild mammals, jackals are still found in the wilder rural regions, and gazelles and rabbits are numerous in the south. Many varieties of rodents, including mice, squirrels, and gerbils, and many types of reptiles, including lizards and snakes (some of them poisonous), may be found.

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Thrushes, nightingales, and other songbirds are native to Lebanon; there are also partridges, pigeons, vultures, and eagles. As of 2. 00. 2, there were at least 5. Lebanon's forests and water supplies suffered significant damage in the 1. Rapid urbanization has also left its mark on the environment.

Coastal waters show the effects of untreated sewage disposal, particularly near Beirut, and of tanker oil discharges and oil spills. The water pollution problem in Lebanon is in part due to the lack of an internal system to consistently regulate water purification. The nation has about 5 cu km of renewable water resources. Air pollution is a serious problem in Beirut because of vehicular exhaust and the burning of industrial wastes. In 2. 00. 0, the total of carbon dioxide emissions was at 1. Control efforts have been nonexistent or ineffective because of political fragmentation and recurrent warfare since 1.

The effects of war and the growth of the nation's cities have combined to threaten animal and plant life in Lebanon. In 1. 98. 6, the National Preservation Park of Bte'nayel was created in the region of Byblos to preserve wooded areas and wildlife. In 2. 00. 3, less than 1% of the total land area was protected, including four Ramsar wetland sites. According to a 2.

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), threatened species included five types of mammals, ten species of birds, one type of reptile, nine species of fish, and one species of invertebrate. The Mediterranean monk seal, African softshell turtle, and dogfish shark are on the endangered list. In 2. 00. 5, approximately 6% of the population was over 6. There were 9. 6 males for every 1. According to the UN, the annual population rate of change for 2.

The projected population for the year 2. The population density was 3.

The UN estimated that 8. The capital city, Beirut (Bayrut), had a population of 1,7. Tar. Political incentives also existed, and many Lebanese left their country for Egypt (then under British rule) or the Americas at the turn of the century. After the mid- 1. Lebanese were attracted by economic opportunities in the Persian Gulf countries. Large numbers fled abroad, many of them to France, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and the Gulf countries, during the civil war in 1.

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In 1. 98. 6, the Lebanese World Cultural Union estimated that some 1. Lebanese extraction were living abroad, the largest numbers in Brazil, the United States, and Argentina. In 2. 00. 3 remittances were $9. Since the outbreak of war in 1. Israeli invasion of 1.

In 1. 99. 3, the number of refugees in various parts of the country was estimated at over 6. In 2. 00. 4 there were 2,4. UNHCR in Lebanon, 1,7.

By years' end, 1. Lebanese sought refuge in Germany. In that same year Lebanese sought asylum in Germany, Sweden, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 2. 00. 5, the net migration rate was an estimated zero per 1,0. The government views the migration levels as too high. As of 2. 00. 4 there were 3. Ethnic mixtures dating back to various periods of immigration and invasion are represented, as are peoples of almost all Middle Eastern countries.

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A confusing factor is the religious basis of ethnic differentiation. Thus, while most Lebanese are Arabs, they are divided into Muslims and Christians, each in turn subdivided into a number of faiths or sects, most of them formed by historical development into separate ethnic groups. The Muslims are divided into Sunnis and Shias. The Druzes, whose religion derives from Islam, are a significant minority. The Christians are divided mainly among Maronites, Greek Orthodox, and Greek Catholics. All the major groups have their own political organizations, paramilitary units, and territorial strongholds.

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Other ethnic groups include Armenians (most of them Armenian Orthodox, with some Armenian Catholics) and small numbers of Jews, Syrians, Kurds, and others. The number of Palestinian refugees is estimated at 3.

As of 2. 00. 5, population estimates stood at 9. Arab, 4% Armenian, and 1% other.

Arabic is the official language and is spoken throughout the country. Much of the population is bilingual, with French as the main second language. There are also significant numbers of English, Armenian, and Turkish speakers.

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The distinctive Lebanese Arabic dialect contains various relics of pre- Arabic languages and also shows considerable European influence in vocabulary. Religious communities in the Ottoman Empire were largely autonomous in matters of personal status law and were at times treated as corporations for tax and public security matters. Membership in a millet, as these religious communities were called in Ottoman law, gave the individual citizenship, and this position, although somewhat modified, has given Lebanese politics its confessional nature. Religion is closely connected with civic affairs, and the size and competing influence of the various religious groups are matters of overriding political importance.

The imbalance of power between Christians and Muslims, aggravated by the presence of large numbers of Palestinians, was a major factor contributing to the bitter civil war in 1. As of 2. 00. 4, it was estimated that about 7. Islam; there were five legally recognized groups—Alawite or Nusayri, Druze, Isma'ilite, Shia, and Sunni.

Muslims have come to outnumber Christians as the result of long- term demographic trends and population displacements during and after the civil war. The main branches of Islam are Shia and Sunni. Christians made up 2. Orthodox Christian, six Catholic, and one Protestant).

Health Care Tyranny in America (Hospice, Palliative Care and Health Care Reform). Names have been withheld to maintain confidentiality.

She had chronic lung disease (C. O. P. D.) which we all expected would eventually take her life. However, while under hospice care she died of . However, I now know that this is not an isolated case, and feel that it's probably happening to others as well. What I find particularly disturbing is that my mother did not want to take the Roxanol (liquid morphine), and that's what caused her death. The hospice nurses kept insisting that it would help her breathe, although everything we read stated that morphine would actually slow down her breathing and could even stop it completely.

The nurses claimed that in small doses, morphine actually would make her breathing much easier. Consequently, she finally agreed to take it, and my brother and myself were encouraging her to do so, based on what the hospice kept telling us.

We trusted them! Throughout the patient records, it mentions our concerns regarding the Roxanol. My mom agreed to become a hospice patient primarily because she totally depended on bottled oxygen to breathe. It was difficult transporting her to and from physicians. It also appeared they actually did little besides adjust her medications. Since hospice claims to have .

Initially, we began to have problems getting the proper medications. Many of the meds she took for breathing problems did not appear to be on the hospice . This appeared quite odd since the meds she took were standard for her condition. I also had been told that the hospice handled all supplies, i. Whenever, we asked for anything, they were always out.

They also claimed falsely that these items were not generally covered. I finally spoke with their social worker assigned to the case for a clarification to determine what was covered.

After that, they supplied all necessary items. However, I did request a written list of items covered, they could not supply. Although my mother had difficulty breathing, she was completely alert and aware at all times.

After we finally received her medical records from the hospice after her death, it was noticed that they had written . However, they did not see to it that my mother was kept comfortable. They denied her the basic medications which would have helped her manage her C. O. P. D. Through the duration of her hospice care, there were many issues which we felt needed physician input. We had no contact whatsoever with either the attending or the hospice physician regarding my mom's care. At the end of the meeting, he told me that the hospice has their own physicians and they should be handling her case.)Approximately one month after we initially signed with the hospice, a home health aide who was assisting my mom get back into bed, cut her leg quite severely with her acrylic fingernails.

The vein was actually exposed. We have a friend who is a dermatologist who felt the wound was bad enough that a wound care specialist should be contacted. We requested a physician visit from the hospice. They initially ignored the request.

When we became persistent about having a physician evaluate the wound, they arranged for their hospice physician to stop by our home. He evidently stopped in front of the house, then received a page from the hospital and left. Throughout her care, we never saw or spoke to him. Several weeks after the leg wound incident, her breathing became much more labored. We told the hospice nurse we suspected pneumonia since she'd had that before with similar symptoms. We were told by the nurse it absolutely couldn't be pneumonia since there was no fever present.

We once again asked for a physician to evaluate our mother, but once again the request was ignored. Approximately two weeks prior to her death, her right hand swelled and the fingers became very sore and puffy. The nurse suspected either an infection or a bite. It was extremely painful.

We once again requested a physician, and once again the request was ignored. Instead, they ordered an antibiotic in case it was an infection. My mom refused to take it without speaking to a physician. Since her breathing was becoming more labored, the hospice nurse began to really push the Roxanol. My mom finally relented and began to take small doses of 5 mg every 4- 6 hours or many times less frequently.

Since my mom was extremely petite (she weighed approximately 7. The day before her death, the hospice nurse came into our home, and said that the attending physician said my mom could have 2. Roxanol every 2 hours.

That was 4 times the amount we had been giving her. Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 Crack Only Pes. Since her breathing was still labored, and the prior doses didn't appear to be helping her much, the nurse administered the larger dose (the medical records now state that she gave her 1. The last thing I remember my mom ever saying was . She had been alert and aware prior to the dose being administered. She went into a coma that afternoon.

I immediately paged the hospice nurse and was told that the coma was part of her . We wanted to call 9. We also knew that she did not want to be placed on a ventilator and were afraid that would happen if we called 9. At the time, neither my brother nor I had any idea there was a drug to counteract a morphine overdose. Nor did the nurse volunteer any such information. The nurse never came out that day. The following morning while my mom was still in a coma, the hospice nurse returned.

She insisted that my mom needed some more Roxanol. My mother's breathing rate had slowed down considerably and I vehemently said . She denied that and even stated that morphine can go . The nurse told me that . The morphine would only help make her breathing easier. I'm not certain of the amount given, but my mom died later that evening.

Now I know that the morphine killed my Mom. The coroner was not called as is the rule in the area we live. My brother and I began looking more into the morphine issue, and contacted the coroner's office. The autopsy report took 1. The coroner confirmed that my mother had bilateral pneumonia, which never was treated. The physician who prescribed the increased morphine level to be given was the hospice physician. He had never seen or spoken to my mom.

There was absolutely no contact with the family. It is my understanding that in .

We are contacting the medical board on this issue. I also began looking up some information on Roxanol/morphine, and how it's utilized with COPD patients. What I found in every journal I looked at was that Roxanol is . Consequently, we don't really know why it was given. She did not have cancer, and was not in severe pain. I also attempted to get her records from the hospice. They have been absolutely impossible to work with.

It's nearly impossible to get them to respond on any issues. They refused to release records to me until I filed a complaint about it with the county department of health services. When they did send out my Mom's records, they did not send the complete record and were careful to actually remove certain pages from the record that were particularly incriminating. When I again requested specific documents which I learned had to be part of the record, they sent some, but again, failed to send everything. They still make it extremely difficult. This story goes on and on. The bottom line is that my mother was .

According to the official coroner's findings, my mother's morphine levels were extremely high. The morphine intoxication was the only cause of death.

It had nothing to do with her lung disease. This has been extremely hard on my whole family. We all had hoped and prayed that we would have Nana with us for another Christmas. The sad part is that without hospice, we probably would have.

I had brought her to live with us, thinking that we could help extend her life, and allow her to be around loved ones. Instead, she was overdosed on morphine by those we entrusted to help with her care.