Mayan Prophecies Ship Of Spirits Cellar


Mayan Prophecies Ship Of Spirits Cellar Average ratng: 7,6/10 239votes

REPTILIAN HIERARCHY/  ROYALTYCREDU MUTWA INTERVIEWED BY DAVID ICKE. Ip. Um. Jjk. As. The African Reptilians are called  Chitauri. Drawing of the Chitauri on the wall - part 6 - . Ibtx. LTp. Ho& NR=1. It looks nothing like the Reptilian Heirarchy I saw in my dream. Credo Mutwa stated that the Chitiauri royalty have horns on the side of. BIOGRAPHY OF CREDO MUTWAI was born in Zululand.

July 1. 92. 1 according to my father. When my father met. Southern. Africa, killing thousands of people in the years 1. Download Game Dead Or Alive 4 Spartan. When. my parents met it was in the year 1. Christian, and my mother was a young. Zulu girl who. practiced the ancient religion of the Zulu people. I am told that. my parents were deeply in love with each other and wanted to get.

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Mayan Prophecies Ship Of Spirits Cellar

Christian. My mother's father was a crusty old warrior who had taken. Zulus had fought against the. English, and he coldly refused to allow his daughter to come under.

5-10-09 - DREAM - I was living in an apartment building, and my mother was Victoria Lord Davidson.

For Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, and 11 browsers: This page is best viewed on wide screens zoomed at 125% magnification with text size set at "larger" option. Breaking News The Pope's Fatima fraud 21-Feb-2012. The extraordinary events that took place outside Fatima in 1917 are well recorded but the Vatican's deception that.

I would rather die than. Christ worshipping Christian within the stockade of my. Although my father already suspected. A great scandal broke out in my.

In those. days there was no greater shame among the Zulus than for a girl to. A great stigma was attached to this. After a time however, my grandfather allowed my mother. It so happened that when I was about a year old, a younger. Natal South Coast to my mothers village and asked my grandfathers. I will seize him and kill him very slowly. Tell him that. And it was while growing up that it was.

I was something of a visionary and a prophet. A. talent, which together with an artistic inclination, to draw and. I did not attend school until I was well within my 1. And because my family now kept on travelling, as a result.

In 1. 93. 5, my father found a job, a major building job, in the. Transvaal and. he brought us all from Natal to join him where he was building. I. attended school on and off in different schools, and then, in 1. I went through great shock and trauma, when I was seized and. This. caused me to be ill for a long time. And although I was taken to white doctors, I could find no.

I would find help there. My. grandfather, a man whom my father despised as a heathen and a. Christian doctors had failed. I, still a Christian and a. And I was greatly surprised when he did. I began to wonder were not the missionaries wrong when they.

If my. grandfather had been a stupid heathen savage, as white. It was here that I began to question many things that I. Where our ancestors really the savages.

Were we. Africans really a race of primitives who possessed no knowledge at. Africa? These and many, many. And then one day when he.

I was fully returned to health, my grandfather told. I had to become. a shaman, a healer.

And when the old man said this to me, I. Myrna. When they heard that I had become a sangoma, both my father. I was never to set. And so I found myself on my own, a youth.

I began travelling. First I. went to Swaziland. Basotho, and I. developed a wanderlust that was to be with me until today. I was. not travelling for enjoyment, however I was travelling for. Sometimes I would find jobs for a few months and then move.

Sometimes I found myself travelling with missionaries, the. I no longer believed. Sometimes I found myself. Johannesburg gold. I came into contact with men and women of countries that I.

I learned things that I had not known. I experienced things, which only those that walk the.

Africa experience. If a strange thing was happening in the place that I. I became one of those who were summoned to that. Africa. I found myself amongst amazing and strange people.

I. found myself amongst men and women, possessing knowledge that was. Jesus Christ was born. I heard. stories from the lips of storytellers that went back to the. Stories that very few had ever heard. As the years past, I became filled with a fanatical.

I realized how rapidly Africa was changing. I realized. to my shock and sorrow that the culture of my people, a culture. I had thought immortal, was actually dying. Very, very soon. the Africa that I knew would become a forgotten thing.

A thing of. the past and I decided to try and preserve somehow, what I could. How was I to do that? Friends advised me. One friend advised me to build living museums in. I would preserve the dying culture of my people, and I. I wrote books. and I tried to borrow money from banks and organizations. Again and again, I was disappointed until, after long years.

In 1. 97. 5 I succeeded in obtaining permission and funds. Soweto. Many. black people misunderstood the purpose of my having built this. They falsely accused me of cooperating with the. I saw. myself as a healer whose purpose it was to create job. Soweto, regardless of.

A. N. C government. I believed. firmly that knowledge was about politics and that a race that did. And I. was saddened by the fact that out people were making huge. I said to my now late wife, Cecilia, and myself that if. Years of careful investigation had taught me the European.

Africa had done more than just beat our. They had done. more than simply sown confusion amongst our people by introducing.

Christian religion amongst the. They had deliberately so brain washed our people, that. Africans had lost all self- knowledge, self- love, self- respect. If you rob a people of all these.

And even if you stood up and walked away from these people. I believed then as I believe now, that the African has never. Which is why our people. India and the. tiger Nations of South East Asia, which were once also colonized. For example. today India is a nuclear power feared and respected by all nations. India is admired for its great culture and its ancient.

While. Africa is a downtrodden casualty of history forever dependent like. This breaks my heart as a black man, I who, over many years. When we, now derided as a. I feel great bitterness, when I see how far we. We whose sons and daughters once walked.

Americas, not as slaves but rather as civilizes and. I wept when I found out that we were once the founders of. We were there in. Sumeria, we were there in India, we founded great kingdoms in.

Cambodia, and the first man to be saluted as emperor of China was. Africa, a black man. The goddess. Kali, is depicted.

African woman. Even the bible states that. Nimrod. was a great man in the eyes of the Lord and he was the father of. Cush, who founded the great Cushite nation. I weep even now when I. Africans slaughter each other in the streets of South Africa, now.

I weep even now when my people hunger. South Africa. I weep even now when Euro centric education is.

Fed in order to make them Afrofobes. European educated black people do.

They despise Africa and all she. And they are in contempt of the culture of her people.

There is not a. single school in South Africa even now which teaches our people about what it means. African. Our children who will stone a Sangoma to death. Inyanga to death with a petrol soaked car tire. Africans were. once kings of the Americas. They were founders of the amazing. Olmec Civilization.

Our children who would gladly spit at the face of a sangoma. Scottish nation were black men and woman and that the surnames of.

Scotsmen, confirm this. Sholto- Douglas, what does. What does this Surname mean?

Sholto- Douglas. It. Behold the black man. Black knights once fought for the.

Scotland, and the Danish people who are fraudulently. Nordics, had large numbers of black men in their ranks. When. Alfred slaughtered the Danes, in England so many years ago. Denmark from Africa thousands of years. All these truths are hidden from our children. Our political leaders, fail to create United Nations in. Africa. Our political leaders live on a razors edge in Africa.

They sit on shaky thrones from which they can get. Because you can never build a viable nation on the. I have seen many. African leaders at first sight, I have spoken to some of these men. And this is why they fail again and again to. Africa. They are.

Look at what. is happening in South Africa now. Look at the confusion and the crime, the disunity. What do all these things tell. That our people lack self- pride and self- knowledge and.